Recent Publications

Centre for Research in Journalism (CRJ)

Jane Chapman


Transnational Connections and the comparative approach In: Ashgate companion to nineteenth-century British periodicals and newspapers. Ashgate, Farnham, 2015


‘Dominion cartoon satire as trench culture narratives: Complaints, endurance and stoicism’ in: The British Empire and The First World War, ed. A. Jackson, Routledge, London. Co-author Dan Ellin, 2015

‘The Aussie, 1918-1931: cartoons, digger remembrance and First World War identity, Journalism Studies. ISSN: 1461-670X, 2015

Comics and the World Wars: A Cultural Record. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. Co-authors Anna Hoyles, Andrew Kerr and Adam Sherif, 2015

Comics, the Holocaust and Hiroshima. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. Co-authors Dan Ellin and Adam Sherif, 2015

The argument of the broken pane. Media History, pp. 1-14, 2014

Representations of female war-time bravery in Australia’s Wanda the War Girl and Jane at War from the UK in: Fashion and War in Popular Culture,ed. D.N. Rall, Intellect Books, Bristol, 2014

Gandhi as Literary Journalist in Hind Swaraj, eds. Keeble & Tulloch Global Literary Journalism, NY, Peter Lang, 2014

Dominion cartoon satire as trench culture narratives: complaints, endurance adn stoicism, The Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs, 103 (2). pp. 175-192. Co-author Dan Ellin, 2014

Gender, Citizenship, and Newspapers: Historical and Trans-national Perspectives, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, monograph, Sussex University, 2012

Multi-panel comic narratives in Australian First World War trench publications as citizen journalism, Australian Journal of Communication, Vol 39 (3) , pp.1- 22. Co-author Dan Ellin, 2012

Key Readings in Journalism(Routledge, USA), co-author Elliot King, 2012

From India’s Big Dams to Jungle Guerillas – Arundhati Roy and the Literary Polemics of Global versus Local  in Global Literary Journalism: Exploring the Journalistic Imagination, eds Richard Keeble & John Tulloch (New York, Peter Lang), 2012.

Comics and the representation of female war-time bravery in Wanda the War Girl (Australia)’ Australasian Journal of Popular Culture Single author, vol. 1, no.2, pp.153-163, 2011 

Journalism Today: A Themed History (Blackwell-Wiley, Malden, USA), with N.Nuttall, 2011 

‘Women and the press in British India 1928-34: a window for protest? ‘International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 38, No. 8, with Kate Allison 2011, best article of year award, Emerald Publishing.

‘Female representation, readership and early tabloid properties’Australian Journal of Communication, Vol. 38, No.2, 2011

‘A Business Trajectory: Assessing Female Influence and Representation in Le Petit Journal, 2011

Europe’s First Mass Circulation Daily’, Parcours de femmesTwenty Years of Women in French,Peter Lang, Oxford and Bern, 2011

‘Counter-hegemony, newspapers and the origins of anti-colonialism in French India’International Journal of Social Economics, 2011

Richard Lance Keeble

The Journalistic Imagination: Literary Journalists From Defoe to Capote and Carter(edited with Sharon Wheeler), Routledge, London, 2007

Peace Journalism, War and Conflict Resolution (edited with John Tulloch and Florian Zollmann) Peter Lang, New York

Ethics for Journalists, 2nd edition, Routledge, London, 2008

Afghanistan, War and Media: Deadlines and Frontlines (edited with John Mair) Arima, Bury St Edmunds

Media Values, editor, Troubador, Leicester, 2010

Ola Ogunyemi

The News Agenda of the Black African Press in the UK, Journal of Black Studies, Vol. 37, No. 5, May pp 630-654. Sage Publications, 2007
The Alternative Public Spaces for Black Arts in the UK: Challenges and Prospects, International Journal of Africana Studies, Volume 15, No. 1, 2010

Representation of Africa online: sourcing practice and frames of reference, Journal of Black Studies, Vol. 42, No. 3, April pp. 457-478, 2011

Sourcing and representation routines at the black African press in the UK, Rigoni, Isabelle and Saitta, Eugenie (eds) Mediating cultural diversity in a globalised public space, Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2012

Media of African diasporas: Production, content and audiences, Edwin Mellen Press Ltd, 2012

John Tulloch

Tulloch, John (2013) Commemorating Catastrophe: the British press, the culture of remembrance and the 10th anniversary of 9/11, Communication, Politics and Culture, Vol 46, no 1.

Tulloch, John (2013) ‘The Perils of Sociability: Dickens, Victorian Journalism and the Detective Police’, Charles Dickens and the Mid-Victorian Press, 1850-70, ed. Hazel Mackenzie and Ben Winyard, Foreword: Michael Slater, 417pp Buckingham: University of Buckingham ISBN 9781908684202.

Tulloch, John (2012) ‘The return of the conchie: UK newspaper representations of conscientious objectors in total war’ in Stephen Gibson and Simon Mollan eds, Representations of Peace and Conflict, Palgrave Macmillan ISBN-10: 0230298664 ISBN-13: 978-0230298668

Tulloch, John (2012) ‘An Outlaw Editor in the Endgame of the `indian Empire. F.W.Wilson’s radicalization of The Pioneer 1928-29 with Jane Chapman.’ Media History, 18 (3). ISSN 1368-8804.

Tulloch, John (2009) ‘The British Tabloid Press’ in Encyclopedia of Journalism, ed. Christopher H. Sterling, Thousand Oaks, CA  and London: Sage ISBN10:0761929576ISBN-13: 978-0761929574

Tulloch, John (2012) ‘Gordon Burn: journalism as a novel; the novel as journalism’in John Tulloch and Richard Keeble eds Global Literary Journalism, New York: Peter Lang ISBN 978-1-4331-1867-8 (hardback) ISBN 978-1-4331-1866-1 (paperback)

Deborah Wilson

An unscathed tourist of wars: The journalism of Martha Gellhorn,Keeble, Richard and Wheeler, Sharon, eds, The Journalistic Imagination, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2007

Paying the Piper: Funding Broadcast News, Chapman, Jane and Kinsey, Marie, eds, Broadcast Journalism: A Critical Introduction, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2008

A reverse perspective: putting practice into theory’ Paper presented jointly with Andrew David (Siren FM) at the IAMCR conference, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal. July 2010

Winner of competitive paper category in Audio Division of Broadcast Education Association (US): Community Radio: Collaboration and Regulation,co-authored with Lawrie Hallett, University of Westminster, April 2011

Panel convenor and presenter at the Broadcast Education Association (US): A Brechtian Model: Community Radio’s Contribution to Radiocracy, April 2011

Brain Winston

Caging the Copycat: Wie neue Technologien eingeschrän werdem. Eine Fallstudie: Das Google

Book Search Settlement, Jens Schroeter et al., eds, Kulturen des Kopierschutzes II Navigationen: Zeitscrift für Medien- und Kulturwissenschaften,. Siegen:univsi (Universitatsverlag Siegen).Jg.10 H.2 2010

English Roots of the Free Press, Christopher Sterling, ed., The Encyclopaedia of Journalism. Los Angeles: Sage, 2009

The Right to Offend: Free Expression in the 21st Century, London: Bloomsbury, 2011

Florian Zollmann

Fighting fanatics, killing people: The limits of corporate journalism during the US assault on Fallujah, Ethical Space: The International Journal of Communication Ethics, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 24-29, 2007

Is it either or? Professional ideology vs. corporate-media constraints, Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 97-118, 2009

Iraq and Dahr Jamail: War reporting from a peace perspective, Peace Journalism, War and Conflict Resolution, eds, Keeble, Richard Lance, Tulloch, John and Zollmann, Florian, New York: Peter Lang pp. 139-156, 2010

Doublethink in the mass media: Fallujah and the politics of human rights reporting, Ethical Space: The International Journal of Communication Ethics, Vol. 8, Nos. 1-2, pp. 25-31, 2011

John Pilger’s “Youth in Action” series as an example of literary journalism, Global Literary Journalism, eds. Keeble, Richard Lance and Tulloch, John, Chicago: Northwestern University Press, 2012